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Data Structures Fundamentals

What is a good strategy of resizing a dynamic array?

How priority queues are implemented in C++, Java, and Python?

How to implement a hash table so that the amortized running time of all operations is O(1) on average?

What are good strategies to keep a binary tree balanced?


Injection Support Monitoring

Identifying, Monitoring, and Analyzing Risk and Incident Response and Recovery

1. Describe the risk management process

2. Perform security assessment activities

3. Describe processes for operating and maintaining monitoring systems

4. Identify events of interest

5. Describe the various source systems

6. Interpret reporting findings from monitoring results

7. Describe the incident handling process

8. Contribute to the incident handling process based upon role within the organization

9. Describe the supporting role in forensics investigation processes 10. Describe the supporting role in the business continuity planning process

11. Describe the supporting role in the disaster recovery planning process



Performance Optimization in Unity

Rendering Optimization

Asset Bundles

Gameplay Debugging

Platform Constraints

​Platform Optimization


Delay Design

Discrete-Time Signal Processing

​A focused view into the theory behind modern discrete-time signal processing systems and applications.


Control Reconstruction

Model-Based Automotive Systems Engineering

Road vehicle modelling in longitudinal, lateral and vertical direction

Develop causal and acausal mathematical models of dynamical systems

Linearize nonlinear continuous-time models

Derive discrete time models by sampling

The concept of state-space terminology

Design discrete time state feedback controllers

Analyze system models from a controllability, observability and stability point of view

To design and analyze observers and apply them for state estimation


Configuration Solution

FPGA computing systems: Background knowledge and introductory materials

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- Analyst, and  Decision to Performance Model Control Design

- Control Model Design Decision 

- Next Generation Model Control Design

- Injection, Operation, and Cycle Machine Support Decision Model Control Design

- Configuration Solution Model Control Design

- Model Control to Maintenance Design

- Model Control to Management Design include Research to Startup Performance Control Model Design

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Mon - Fri: 7am - 10pm

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III/19 Sukodami Street

Surabaya, EJ 60116


Tel: 085648117642





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