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I'm an Managing the Innovation Process Designer

This service approaches "managing the innovation process" through five levels of analysis: individual, team, network, organizational, and industrial. At each level of analysis, particular attention is given to the conditions under which innovation processes succeed and fail. The weekly readings consist of a mixture of book chapters, journal articles, and cases, and an online forum will be used for further discussion of the required readings outside of class. Tuesday classes will begin with a reflection exercise that entails critical thinking about the topic for the week, followed by an activity and lecture introducing material found both within and outside of the readings. Thursday classes will begin with a case analysis completed in small groups, followed by a discussion based on the issues raised in the case and online forum. The primary goal of the course is to expose students to a variety of perspectives on innovation, while building on past work experiences and preparing for work experiences in the future.

I'm an Managing Innovation and Entrepreneurship Designer

This service discusses the basics every manager needs to organize successful technology-driven innovation in both entrepreneurial and established firms. We start by examining innovation-based strategies as a source of competitive advantage and then examine how to build organizations that excel at identifying, building and commercializing technological innovations. Major topics include how the innovation process works; creating an organizational environment that rewards innovation and entrepreneurship; designing appropriate innovation processes (e.g. stage-gate, portfolio management); organizing to take advantage of internal and external sources of innovation; and structuring entrepreneurial and established organizations for effective innovation. The course examines how entrepreneurs can shape their firms so that they continuously build and commercialize valuable innovations. Many of the examples also focus on how established firms can become more entrepreneurial in their approach to innovation.

I'am an Managing Innovation: Emerging Trends

Important emerging trends in innovation are identified, and their implications for innovation management are explored. Major topics to be discussed include the trend to open information ("open source") rather than protected intellectual property; the distribution of innovation over many independent but collaborating actors; and toolkits that empower users to innovate for themselves.


10 Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo  Street

Tulungagung, East Java 66224

Tel: +62-856-48117642


3 Tukad Gerinding Street

South Denpasar, Bali 80234


Tel: +62-856-48117642


III/1 Sukodami Street

Surabaya, East Java 60116


Tel: +62-856-48117642


DI/7 Senipah Street,

Komplek Pertamina, Pondok Gede,

Jati Waringin, Bekasi, DKI Jakarta 17411

Tel: +62-856-48117642


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