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I'm an Online Advertising. 

How the online advertising has developed into a major industry and created new career opportunities

The ways online advertising complements and enhances traditional media

Essential digital jargon and key concepts

You’ll recognise online ad unit formats, what they’re called, and how they work

How online ads are priced and delivered, along with key measurement metrics

That search plays a role as a “connector” for marketing activities

How social channels can be used to amplify marketing efforts

The way mobile is transforming consumers’ use of the Internet and the resulting marketing opportunities

Setting realistic, measurable campaign objectives

Identify the steps involved in digital campaign planning

Understand the process of selling an online ad program

Explain best practice techniques for tracking and optimising campaigns

How digital has changed consumers’ decision making process and its affect on the purchase funnel


I'm an Storytelling in Advertising.

Create a narrative

Communicate a brand through story

Engage your audience

Amplify your message through digital

Thanks to our advetisers

I'm an Advertising and Society.

What is advertising and where did it come from?; I being manipulated by advertising?;  What’s in an ad beyond that which meets the eye?; How do ads get made?; What do ads teach us about race, class, gender, and sexuality?; Does sex sell?; What is the future of advertising?

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