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Image by Christian Fregnan

Skilled Advanced Future Media – Techologies and Markets Professional with 5 Years' Experience

Media landscapes have gone through major changes throughout the history and have been undergoing fundamental changes in recent years and will continue to do so in the near future. The changes have intensified in the last two decades starting with the digitalization of broadcast infrastructures and presently with the development of streaming platforms and the development of broadband infrastructures and cloud platforms that most likely will result in the end of dedicated infrastructures for media distributions. Time shifting, place shifting, video and audio on demand, and global networks for distribution of audio visual content are just a few examples of these changes. The implications are, e.g., the disruption of the traditional media distribution and delivery forms, distribution of content markets, disruption of home video markets, disruption of the record and music industry. Furthermore, there are major changes in the usage and consumption behavior connected with terminal devices and the combination of audio visual applications and services with social networking applications.

These changes are driven by the interplay between technological developments, market developments and new business models and the policy and regulatory environment. The aim of this course is to discuss the driving forces for such changes and to examine the implications for the market, industry, users and the technological development.


The skill will address the following topics:

    • Convergence

    • New business models

    • Standardization processes

    • Dedicated TV and radio infrastructures - the current status and future perspectives

    • Linear and nonlinear audio-visual services

    • Over the Top (OTT) and hybrid platforms

    • Development of fixed and mobile broadband infrastructures, including LTE and 5G as platform for audio visual services

    • Market developments and usage

Organized and Efficient

“I'm a testimonial. Click to edit me and add text that says something nice about you and your services. Let your customers review you and tell their friends how great you are.  Testimonials provide a sense of what it's like to work with you, or what it's like to use your products and services. This can show people that you're credible and reliable, and can build trust with potential customers.”

Jen B.


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