I'm a Data Structures & Algorithms IV: Pattern Matching, Dijkstra's, MST, and Dynamic Programming Algorithms. Delve into Pattern Matching algorithms from KMP to Rabin-Karp. Tackle essential algorithms that traverse the graph data structure like Dijkstra’s Shortest Path. Study algorithms that construct a Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) from a graph. Explore Dynamic Programming algorithms. Use the course visualization tool to understand the algorithms and their performance.
Bioethics: The Law, Medicine, and Ethics of Reproductive Technologies and Genetics
How the reproductive technology industry works, and issues raised related to buying and selling human reproductive materials
The law and ethics of surrogacy and cases of switched embryos
Civil lawsuits when things go wrong with reproductive technology: wrongful birth and wrongful life lawsuits
The law and ethics of sperm donation such as the legal status of sperm donors and sperm donor anonymity
Ethical and legal issues raised by human enhancement
The law and ethics of mixing human and animal genetic material
The ownership of human tissue and its underlying genetic information