Fransisca K.
Abiarsi, Ph.D
Reliability in Power Electronics Systems;
Fundamentals of Glass Crystallization and Formation of Transparent Glass-Ceramics;
Microplastic Analysis Applying ?FTIR Imaging, ATR-FRIR and other Techniques;
Empirical Research Methods for Human-Computer Interaction;
Potentials and challenges of circular economy as sustainability strategy in businesses and cities;
Applied Clinical Omics technologies for Personalized medicine;
Contemporary Issues in Political and Democratic Theory;
Ethics and Social Responsibilities for Scientists and Engineers in the 21st Century;
Perspectives of Industry 4.0;
Analysis of Wave Propagation in Structures and Solids;
Wide-Area Monitoring and Control of Smart Transmission Systems;
Modeling and optimization of thermal systems;
Managing Complexity in Projects;
PBL and Mixed Path;
Sustainable Biomass Resources and Technology Pathways for Biogas and Biorefineries ods;
Wireless Communications for the Internet of Things;
Participatory methods in health informatics;
Anthropological field method - Architecture, cities and spaces;
To work on similarities in different data models
Recent algorithms and advances
How example-based approach can help your research
Tools to be used in different data models
Bina Marga Persada Company, (with The next generation IoT Action in the real).
Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo No. 10 Tulungagung 66224