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Fabiarsi8 Productions.

Connect with Your Audience Through Inspiring Visual Storytelling

We Are a Young & Creative
Video Production Company

Mastering Final Cut Pro

Create and edit video using Final Cut Pro

Import and export project files for collaboration and archive

Follow editing scenarios to create a project and edit videos

Apply effects and transitions, and change the timing of clips


Fundamentals of Digital Image and Video Processing

Digital images and videos are everywhere these days – in thousands of scientific (e.g., astronomical, bio-medical), consumer, industrial, and artistic applications. Moreover they come in a wide range of the electromagnetic spectrum - from visible light and infrared to gamma rays and beyond. The ability to process image and video signals is therefore an incredibly important skill to master for engineering/science students, software developers, and practicing scientists. Digital image and video processing continues to enable the multimedia technology revolution we are experiencing today. Some important examples of image and video processing include the removal of degradations images suffer during acquisition (e.g., removing blur from a picture of a fast moving car), and the compression and transmission of images and videos (if you watch videos online, or share photos via a social media website, you use this everyday!), for economical storage and efficient transmission.

What We Do


VR and 360 Video Production

Virtual Reality and 360 video production, guiding you through a step-by-step process to create VR content. To begin, we recommend taking a few minutes to explore the product site and review the result.


Character Design for Video Games

Explore concepts and approaches involved in creating successful character designs that can be applied to video games. Following a first week delving into some foundational concepts for successful character design, each of the remaining three weeks are structured as a master class where you will observe three professional character designers at work in the studio: Andy Ristaino (Adventure Time), Jacky Ke Jiang (Journey), and Robertryan Cory (SpongeBob SquarePants). Each designer will take on two different design challenges on the fly and address the various issues in designing characters for games, such as movement, expression, and technical limitations. At the end of each week you will have an opportunity to try out some of the concepts from that week's lesson on characters of your own design.

Charles Day

Meet the Team

Karen Bell
Creative Director
Brandon Williams
Amber Barrett
Yuji Kawasaki
Daniel King

Our Clients

Contact Us

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III/1 Sukodami

Surabaya, EJ 60116


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